17. Jul, 2017

Come to me

My head is hurting, emotions run high,
All feeling I've left, needs to shrivel and die.

Why do we invest when it all leads to pain?
One must question, if at all there is gain.

I know not how to better my ways,
To satisfy those to improve their days.

When will I matter and will anyone care?
With only one heart and naught left to share.

Midnight comes tapping, my shoulder feels thee,
It whispers my name it says “come to me”.

I try not to answer, I push it away,
It clearly insists on having its say.

The promise of peace, enticing at best,
'Tis when all my will is put to the test.

It seems unfair, why does it prevail?
Breathing deeply I count and slowly exhale.


Latest comments

24.02 | 02:26

Thank you, dear sweet friend xx

24.02 | 01:59

Bravest woman I know -you are.

14.02 | 03:46

Thank you Mad for those kind words, they are much appreciated x

14.02 | 03:39

What a brave, talented and wonderful soul you are Nicki, we are privileged to share your photography and writing ❤️

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