29. Mar, 2017


The night is never quite as dark, in the light of day.
The demons, mostly nocturnal retreat, as dawn holds them at bay.

Against all odds I find the strength like Potter and his wand,
To hold a steady course through seas with love and common bonds.

“This too shall pass” my mantra, as I’m besieged in the dark,
If only I could drift in slumber 'til I hear the sound of larks.

But the songbird doesn’t whistle for me, nor does it sing,
Instead, the sound of mindless chatter tolls a foreboding ring.

Insomnia a curse for many, and fatal for a few,
Awakens melancholy misery, it leaves me feeling blue.

So I rally in the sunlight and prepare for each new night,
Don my cloak of armour and count the seconds to first light.


Latest comments

24.02 | 02:26

Thank you, dear sweet friend xx

24.02 | 01:59

Bravest woman I know -you are.

14.02 | 03:46

Thank you Mad for those kind words, they are much appreciated x

14.02 | 03:39

What a brave, talented and wonderful soul you are Nicki, we are privileged to share your photography and writing ❤️

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