21. Aug, 2015


Hello can you hear me I said I'm not well,
I don't choose to feel like I'm living in hell.

My hands an arms tremble like the earth in a quake,
My mind desperately screams it's time for a wake.

How many days and years can all this go on?
I've done something bad, something very, very wrong.

For why else do I castigate, reprimand and scold,
How can I not believe what my brain is told?

It's hard to believe "you will get through this and pull through"'
When every day is a nightmare and the lead actor is you.

I have issues from my childhood, insecurity is clear,
I deal with my doctors with trepidation and fear.

They step on egg-shells so they won't increase my despair,
But progress is slow; I've been many years in their care.

They are a wondrous team, without them I'd be dead,
I'm not yet in a coffin but I'm still trapped in my head!


Latest comments

24.02 | 02:26

Thank you, dear sweet friend xx

24.02 | 01:59

Bravest woman I know -you are.

14.02 | 03:46

Thank you Mad for those kind words, they are much appreciated x

14.02 | 03:39

What a brave, talented and wonderful soul you are Nicki, we are privileged to share your photography and writing ❤️

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