17. Oct, 2014

Fury and rage

Madness, fury, rage and hate,
Words sitting waiting for atomic bait!

You're bad, you suck, you're completely no good,
A head full of must do's, gunnas and shoulds!

The words turn to hurt and tormenting pain,
I have no doubt I'm going insane!

There seems no escape, the fear is real,
A deep burning agony too big to heal!

I panic, can't breathe, death will come soon,
I plunge deep in my mind and to all I'm immune.

"Snap" my eyes stare but I cannot see,
I look down on my body, this can't be me!

Motionless, inert, unable to move,
Transfixed, disconnected, unable to soothe.

The audible thud of a pounding heart,
I re-gather, unfold and thaw with a start.

The hatred is back the tsunami floods in,
A brief respite, I'm again shrouded in skin.

In a matter of seconds foreboding returns,
What now can I find to numb the pain that still burns?


Latest comments

24.02 | 02:26

Thank you, dear sweet friend xx

24.02 | 01:59

Bravest woman I know -you are.

14.02 | 03:46

Thank you Mad for those kind words, they are much appreciated x

14.02 | 03:39

What a brave, talented and wonderful soul you are Nicki, we are privileged to share your photography and writing ❤️

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