19. Sep, 2013

Maternal love

If someone were to ask me who has been the most positive role model and the biggest influence in my life, I would without a doubt have to answer "my mum".

Life is full of hardships and challenging times and my mum didn't get to escape her share of suffering. Her toughest moments (or years) unfairly came when she was very young.

Mum was only fifteen when her older sister Betty contracted Meningoencephalitis whilst working as a nurse. Betty wasn't treated in time and sadly passed away. She left behind grieving parents and a shattered younger sister. My mum became an only child overnight!

Life was complicated and burdened by grief and just three short years later her mum (my grandmother) was tragically taken by cancer and most undeniably a broken heart.

By the tender age of just eighteen, mum had lost half her family. She and my grandfather never really recovered from their loss.

Having been left an only child through her sisters death mum yearned to have three children of her own. She courageously set out to rebuild a life that had been cruelly taken away from her.

A few years later mum married dad and settled down and together they created me, oh and my siblings of course! Although this marriage ended in divorce, she has continued to be the best mother ever. I remember warmly that she was and still is a second mum to all who bless her doorstep and many of our old friends still call in to the family home to check in on “Mrs. B” from time to time.

My mum is proudly my mum, she is my special friend, and she is often my pin cushion and always my soul mate! She has been my nurse, my carer, my chauffeur, my teacher, my financier, my housesitter, my babysitter, my companion and my rock. She has been my journey’s shadow – never in my face but always by my side!

Mum, never think I seek to lay blame for being ill on anyone! We are all victims of circumstance and endeavour to deal with adversity in any way we can. I admire, love and respect all that you have achieved in the face of such hardship. You are amazing!

Mum, you gave me life! You are my life! You are the reason I live! You fill me with love and I love you all the universe!!



19.09.2013 13:05

I salute to that I call your Mum as my second Mum as my mother-in-law pass away. I wish I meet my real Mum as she died when I am only 2 months old.

Love Viv


19.09.2013 09:19

Nic What can I say.Thank you for being My Nic I don't think a Mother could be more proud . I have been blessed to have my 3 beautiful children.Luv Mum.

Latest comments

24.02 | 02:26

Thank you, dear sweet friend xx

24.02 | 01:59

Bravest woman I know -you are.

14.02 | 03:46

Thank you Mad for those kind words, they are much appreciated x

14.02 | 03:39

What a brave, talented and wonderful soul you are Nicki, we are privileged to share your photography and writing ❤️

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